Providing Sound Advice And Skilled Representation For Planned Community And Association Issues
All condominium developments and many single-family residential communities today are planned and developed with covenants in place to establish standards, restrictions and rules applicable to the entire community to maintain and enhance property values. Homeowners Associations (HOAs) and Condominium Owners Associations (COAs), typically organized as nonprofit corporations, are charged with the primary responsibility to enforce covenants and generally oversee these planned residential communities.
Unparalleled Experience Working With Planned Communities
When the legal rights and/or obligations of residential Associations (or their individual members) are in question or if a legal conflict arises between Associations and one or more of its individual members, Third Street Law can provide sound legal guidance. Our firm has represented more than 50 HOA and COA clients in multiple counties throughout western Washington These Association communities range in size from only 3 homes to over 1,000 homes. Few other firms can offer the skill and experience with Association-related matters Third Street Law provides.
Offering Protection And Enforcement Help
Legal issues and conflicts regarding the legal authority of both HOAs and COAs, as well as the rights and remedies of individual homeowners, are increasingly common in these planned communities. We provide advice and representation to Associations and homeowners confronted with issues regarding:
- Interpretation of Declarations, Covenants, Bylaws and Rules/Regulations
- Levying of Assessments – both regular and special
- Conflicts between neighbors
- Legal requirements and procedures applicable to Board meetings and general Association meetings
- Enforcement and collection of delinquent Association assessments and fines
- Covenant and Rule/Regulation enforcement
- Review. Amending and Drafting various Association documents, including:
- Covenants
- Bylaws
- Rules
- Articles
- Resolutions and Minutes
- Proxies
- Voting petitions
- Vendor contracts
- Easements
- Litigation services
- Review and Drafting of other Various real estate documents
Schedule An Appointment Today
Whether you are an individual homeowner or an Association seeking legal advice regarding a dispute or regarding your community’s governing documents, Third Street Law can provide able assistance. Learn more about our services by arranging a consultation at our office in Marysville. You can schedule yours by calling us or you can reach our firm online.