Have you ever heard of “urban myths?” Those are the stories that we’ve all heard and believe to be true, that turn out to be false. Perhaps the most persistent myth in the area of estate planning is that community property passes automatically to the surviving spouse,...
Estate Planning
Life Insurance Surprise
For most of us, a surprise is a good thing. For an estate planning/elder law lawyer, they are dreaded. Most people think (properly) of life insurance as a safety net for their family. Young families have gotten the message and usually protect their children by buying...
Do it yourself?
There are many tools now available for self-help legal services, especially when it comes to will drafting. One popular website charges a modest fee, less than a lawyer would cost, and I’m often asked, “so why should I pay you to do what I can do myself?” We can all...
Living Trust Concerns
Do you have a large red or green binder labeled “Revocable Living Trust”? If so, you should pay attention to this post. A few years ago a handful of organizations began using a high pressure sales approach to marketing expensive trusts called “Revocable Living...
What happens if I die without a will?
The estate law (called the law of intestacy) in your jurisdiction governs the distribution of your estate. It is inflexible and may lead to results radically at odds with your wishes. Further, the state will assign a guardian of its choosing. Finally, your children...